People McBride, Jack

Jack McBride
Alternate Names: McBride, Jack, McBride, Jack G.
Social Networks and Archival Context (SNAC) Record
Library of Congress Name Authority File (LCNAF)
Virtual International Authority File (VIAF)
WorldCat Record
Related Episodes
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- Legislation, Smather, George (Dem.- Florida), 1958
- Legislation, Harris, Oren (Dem.- Arkansas), 1961
- Committees, Research, 1959
- Membership, Directories, 1956-1957
- Foundations, Kellogg, 1959
- Board of Directors, Correspondence, 1957-1958
- Committees, Research, 1958, January-April
- Committees, Research, Subcommittee on Grants-in-Aid, 1957-1962
- Board of Directors, Correspondence, 1959
- Ausmus, Graydon, Correspondence, 1958
- Utilization project, Correspondence, 1959-1966 (1)
- Paulu, Burton, 1950-1960 (2)
- Foundations, Hill, 1960
- Committees, Research, 1958, May-December
- Legislation, Roberts, Kenneth (Dem.- Alaska), 1960-1961
- Committees, Research Seminar, 1952, January-September
- The Needs of Education for Television Channel Allocations
- Association for Education by Radio-Television, Organizational structure, circa 1952-1956