People Fairchild, Johnson E.

Johnson E. Fairchild
Alternate Names: Fairchild, Johnson E.
Social Networks and Archival Context (SNAC) Record
Library of Congress Name Authority File (LCNAF)
Virtual International Authority File (VIAF)
WorldCat Record
Related Episodes
Cooper Union forum
- #9 - Fall 1970: Empathy (Speaker)
- Sample (Speaker)
- #3 - Fall 1970: Inward Journey: Schizophrenia and Mythology (Speaker)
- #12 - Fall 1970: What Is Death? (Speaker)
- #2 - Fall 1970: The New Morality (Speaker)
- #6 - Spring 1970: Zen Buddhism (Speaker)
- #1 - Fall 1970: The Psychology of Tradition (Speaker)
- #11 - Fall 1970: The Impact of Social Values on Psychotherapy (Speaker)
- #2 - Spring 1970: Frustration and Dejection (Speaker)
- #5 - Fall 1970: The Eclipse of Symbolism (Speaker)
- #3 - Spring 1970: Love and Hatred (Speaker)
- #7 - Fall 1970: Languages and Linguistics (Speaker)
- #8 - Fall 1970: Whatever Happened to the Liberals and Why (Speaker)
- #7 - Spring 1970: The Search for Nirvana (Speaker)
- #4 - Fall 1970: The Crisis of the Negro Intellectual (Speaker)
- #10 - Fall 1970: Transplantation and Medical Devices (Speaker)
- #4 - Spring 1970: Psychology Today (Speaker)
- #6 - Fall 1970: Reproduction: The Mystery of Life (Speaker)
- #5 - Spring 1970: Yoga (Speaker)
Peace, love, creativity: Hope of mankind
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- The development of creativity, part one (Speaker)
- The nature of creativity, part one (Speaker)
- Creativity in Western religion, part one (Speaker)
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- The tragedy of modern Man, part one (Speaker)
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- Creativity in science, part one (Speaker)
- Love of humanity, part one (Speaker)
- Love of humanity, part two (Speaker)
- Creativity in literature, part one (Speaker)
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