Organizations WJCT (Television station : Jackonsville, Fla.)

WJCT is a non profit organization based in Jacksonville, Florida, which operates PBS member television station WJCT (channel 7), NPR member radio station WJCT-FM (channel 89.9), and WJCT Online. In 1952, following a four-year-long freeze on awarding station licenses, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) revised its channel allocation table and reserved 242 frequencies, including channel 7 in Jacksonville, for noncommercial educational use. In Jacksonville, podiatrist Dr. Heywood Dowling launched a campaign to bring educational television to the First Coast region. While many other public stations at the time were affiliated with universities, Dowling proposed that Jacksonville's station be owned and funded by the community. Civic leaders embraced the concept, and after years of fundraising, the FCC issued a construction permit for channel 7 on February 28, 1957. Read more at Wikipedia...
Inception: 1958
Alternate Names: WJCT Online
Website: ÂÂ
Associated Place(s): Jacksonville