Organizations WNAX (Radio Station : Yankton, S.D.)

WNAX (570 AM) is a radio station in Yankton, South Dakota, currently owned by Saga Communications, Inc., which broadcasts a News/Talk format. WNAX broadcasts at 5,000 watts around the clock from a tower in eastern Yankton. Due to its location near the bottom of the AM dial, transmitter power, and South Dakota's flat land (with near-perfect ground conductivity) the station's 5,000-watt signal provides at least secondary coverage during the day to most of the eastern half of South Dakota, much of western Iowa, and most of the densely populated portion of Nebraska. In addition to its home markets of Sioux City and Sioux Falls, WNAX provides a strong grade B signal to Omaha and Lincoln. Under the right conditions, its daytime signal penetrates as far south as Kansas City, as far north as Fargo and well east of Des Moines with a good radio. Among U.S. stations its daytime land coverage is exceeded only by KFYR in Bismarck, North Dakota. A single tower is used during the day. Three towers are used at night to protect clear-channel stations on adjacent frequencies, concentrating the signal along the Sioux Falls-Sioux City corridor. Read more at Wikipedia...
Inception: 1921
Website: ÂÂ
Associated Place(s): Yankton, South Dakota
Social Networks and Archival Context (SNAC) Record
Library of Congress Name Authority File (LCNAF)
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WorldCat Record