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The data below is from the NAEB paper collection, housed at the Wisconsin Historical Society on the campus of the University of Wisconsin-Madison. The NAEB papers mainly cover the period from 1950–1970, and include correspondence, scripts, reports, promotional materials, speeches of long-time president William G. Harley, files of the Office of Research and Development and of National Educational Radio (a division of the NAEB), newsletters and other publications. Below you can access a version of the WHS finding aid for the collection, which contains important scope and content notes, notes about the collection’s provenance, and most importantly, the Contents List. The Contents, or what is in the boxes and folders themselves, are organized by a number of archival "series.&rdquo Click on each series to expand them and see what folders and items have been digitized. Select 'View Folder' or 'View Item' to view the documents on our website.
Note that we were not able to digitize the entirety of the NAEB paper collection. If you'd like to see all the boxes and folders available at WHS, click here to view the original finding aid on their website.